Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Outrage of the Day !!!

Poor Dan, Tom and Peter...they are upset because for a few days they couldn't rant 24/7 about how bad things are going in Iraq. These guys make me sick. According to polls, over 65% of Americans think the news on Iraq is too negative and the prison stories were over reported. Not so says Dan, Tom and Peter !!! They are mad that the Reagan coverage is pushing time away from them obsessing with Iraq stories. Just shows how out of touch with america they are !!!!! Kevin

June 9, 2004 -- DAN Rather and Tom Brokaw work for dif ferent networks but agree one thing — coverage of Ronald Reagan's death has been excessive, they say.
"Even though everybody is respectful and wants to pay homage to the president, life does go on," Rather told the Philadelphia Inquirer.

"There is other news, like the reality of Iraq," said the "CBS Evening News" anchor. "It got very short shrift this weekend."

Networks have been going almost wall-to-wall with coverage since Reagan passed away Saturday at the age of 93. The former president was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease nearly 10 years ago.

"Once the herd starts moving in one direction, it's very hard to turn it, even slightly," Rather said. "Nationally, the herd has grown tremendously."

"I think just about everything is over-covered these days," said Brokaw, who anchors the "NBC Nightly News." "The spectrum is so crowded. With all the cable networks, it begins to have a 'video wall' feeling to it."

Jennings said he had mixed feelings about the Reagan coverage.

"I'm more inclined to spare coverage — come on [the air], do something meaningful, then get away," he said.

"The last time I had to do it was with O.J. Simpson [during the 1994 car chase], and I had nothing to say after a certain period of time."

Coverage of Reagan's death will continue through Friday's funeral on all the news networks (broadcast and cable). — Post TV Staff


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chasman says: The media elite talking-heads should be on the DNC payroll. Peggy Noonan said the other day that these guys' heads would explode if they had to stay positive about Reagan for an entire week. She was
obviously right. There are reporters right interviewing the people who are in line to view President Reagan. One of them called into Rush Limbaugh and revealed that when a person gives positive reasons for their wanting to stand in line, they are being asked, "What do you think about the Iran-Contra scandal?". Reprehensible slugs.

June 9, 2004 at 1:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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June 9, 2004 at 3:09 PM  

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