Cheney's F Bomb
So, the media is all up in a tizzy that Cheney dropped the F bomb on senator Leahy. They can't believe how much the Republicans have destroyed civility in politics. Guess calling Bush Hitler, a nazi, a miserable failure, a liar, a misleader, he went to war for oil, went to war for Haliburton, he is preying on our fears, he betrayed the country, he is trampling civil rights and on and on is a positive campaign. I forgot, only Republicans can hurt civility, not Dems.
Back to Cheney. The media and Dems are up in arms. Funny, back when Kerry said, during an interview with Rolling Stone, "Bush F**ked up things in the Iraq war", everyone said he was showing his outrage, he was being hip, connecting with young voters. The Wash Post didn't even mention the word...they said "Kerry used an expletive to describe Bush foreign policy". When Cheney used the F word they spelled it out in the paper because they needed to "show the corsening of the debate". Hmmm...double standard in coverage? I certainly think so !
Per Cheney, it was something that needed to be said. Leahy is one of the biggest A-Holes in politics. The day before the F bomb, Leahy said "Men and women are dying in Iraq so that Cheney's Big Oil pals can benefit". He then walks up to Cheney like they are old pals. Maybe he should have thought how what he says corsens the debate. Kevin
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