Iraq WMDs
So, now we know that Jordan and Egypt both told us he definitely had
well as most other countries, the UN and the Clinton Administration. Who
says Bush lied again??? Kevin
Jordan's King Abdullah and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak personally assured Gen. Tommy Franks that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction within two months of the U.S.'s attack, the former Centcom Commander revealed on Tuesday. "The Jordanians have reliable intelligence and sources in Iraq that say, in fact, that Saddam Hussein has biological and chemical weapons," Franks said King Abdullah told him.
The Jordanian king passed the WMD intelligence on to Franks during a face-to-face meeting in Jan. 2003.
A warning from Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak was even stronger, Franks said.
In his book "American Soldier," the ex-Centcom chief quotes Mubarak saying, "You've got to be very, very careful, general. We have spoken with Saddam Hussein. He is a madman. He has weapons of mass destruction, biological weapons. And he will use them against your troops."
"A number of other leaders in the Mideast told us he had them, too," Franks told Hannity, adding, "If you were president of the United States, could you avoid paying attention to that?"
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