Monday, June 28, 2004

Now Gore Plays Nazi/Hitler Card

In his latest rant, Gore made the below quote referring to Bush supporters as "Digital Brownshirts". The brownshirts were the Nazi SS troops that rounded up dissenters in Germany. Real nice. I guess when you have nothing of substance to offer you resort to name calling. Kevin

Gore: The [Bush] administration works closely with a network of "rapid response" digital brownshirts who work to pressure reporters and their editors for "undermining support for our troops."

"brownshirts"--i.e., Nazi storm troopers

PS The Kerry campaign is all upset about a Bush internet ad that uses images of the foaming at the mouth liberals and uses clips from the Bush is Hitler ads made earlier in the year. They didn't make a peep at the time. Now that Bush is showing the ads as an example of what he is up against the Kerry camp is offended that anyone would use an image of Hitler. Guess he hasn't been paying attention to how his party campaigns lately.


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