Monday, June 28, 2004

Outrage of the Day - Wash Post Style

Check out the below headline from today's Wash Post. According to them, the choice is health care or tax cuts. (anyone want to guess which side they are on?) Also note they label Bruce Bartlett "conservative", but do not label Reischauser or his think tank "liberal". Nope, no bias there !!! Kevin

The Choice for Voters: Health Care or Tax Cuts
Policy Costs Crowd Out Other Initiatives

"These are pretty stark differences," said Robert D. Reischauer, president of the Urban Institute and former head of the Congressional Budget Office. "Kerry is expansive and wants to preserve and strengthen the role government has played in the economic and social life of the republic, and Bush would like to scale back the role of government to the most basic services of protection of life and liberty and a safety net for those who really have no ability to care for themselves."

Bruce Bartlett, a conservative economist with the National Center for Policy Analysis, offered a similar analysis. "Maybe that should be the campaign slogan: If you want slightly higher taxes and more federal spending on health care, vote for John Kerry," he said.


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