Monday, June 21, 2004

Voter Fraud

Why is it that Dems never met a vote fraud scheme they didn't fight for? How does asking people to show ID before voting discriminate? This is one of the most important things we do and they want NO CONTROLS what so ever on ensuring only legal votes are cast. Kevin

The level of suspicion between the two parties is greater than ever. John Kerry says he believes Al Gore "won" the 2000 election and has assembled a team of 2,000 lawyers to "challenge anyplace in America where you cannot trace the vote and count the votes." Republicans have their own legal team to combat fake voter registrations, absentee-ballot fraud and residents of nursing homes being overly "assisted" to cast votes. Maria Cardona of the New Democrat Network dismisses such concerns, saying "ballot security and preventing voter fraud are just code words for voter intimidation and suppression." Liberal legal groups are suing to set aside laws in some of the 11 states that require photo ID at the polls on the grounds they discriminate against the poor and minorities.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

NOT asking for ID is a slap in the face to all law-abiding, voting US CITIZENS! What about protecting me, and not discriminating against the hard-working, law-abiding taxpayers who foot the bill? It's our tax dollars that pay for all the entitlements so the integrity of our vote should be high on the priority list.

June 22, 2004 at 1:43 PM  

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