Outrage of the Day
Sadly, once again, CBS proves it is nothing more than the media arm of the Democrat party. This Sunday they will have a full hour on 60 Minutes with Clinton, as they did with Hillary, when her book came out and several double segments to anti-Bush authors. They never even interview authors who write anti Dem books or write about media bias, those books are ignored by CBS and the rest of the media. And now, they have ordered all their radio stations to carry a 60 minute propaganda/book promotion session on Thursday. But, hey, they don't have an agenda !!! Kevin :-)
Move over Rush Limbaugh!
Bill Clinton is set to hit the talkradio waves with a live special promoting his new book -- one that CBS has ordered a "must carry" directive for all of its news affiliates, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.
Each and every one of CBS's news and talk stations will be required to take the Clinton book radio special, now scheduled for next 6 PM ET Thursday -- whether local programming management wants it or not!
"It's going to be like one big commercial for the book! Why didn't Mr. Clinton's publisher just buy an hour," one angry executive for a CBS news station said late Monday. "This is not news, this is marketing. I already feel dirty!"
Other CBS radio excutives are excited about Clinton finally appearing on live talkradio.
"I can't wait for the callers," said one CBS radio suit.
The one hour session titled "CLINTON CONNECTS WITH AMERICA" will be moderated by CBS EARLY SHOW host Harry Smith.
The program appears to be part of a larger cross-promotion platform package with Clinton and CBS parent VIACOM.
The former president is set to sit with CBS's Dan Rather at the Clinton library in Arkansas for Sunday's CBS 60 MINUTES.
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