Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Follow up to Bogus LA Times Poll

According to a Drudge, a report on Roll CAll yesterday, showed that the LA Times poll did in fact use 13% more Dems in their poll than Reps. (Roll Call is a pay site so I couldn't read the article.) The Wash Times picked up the below story when Bush's pollster called the poll bogus. The "mainstream Media" will stop at nothing to try to sway opinion in the election. Kevin

Matthew Dowd, who does the polling for President Bush's campaign, called last week's Los Angeles Times poll, which showed John Kerry leading the president 51 percent to 44 percent, a "mess."
In an e-mail to NBC and ABC, Mr. Dowd said that "Bush is leading independents by three, ahead among Republicans by a larger margin than Kerry is ahead among Dems, and we are down by seven. Outrageous. And it gets worse. They have Dems leading generic congressional ballot by 19. This means this poll is too Democratic by 10 to 12 points."
Mickey Kaus, in his Kausfiles column at, writes, "Who's right? Ask Governor Gray Davis! OK, that's a cheap shot. But LAT-watchers have been skeptical of the Times Poll ever since it alone showed Davis closing to a virtual dead heat in the recent California gubernatorial recall -- a report that virtually everyone else (including rival campaigns and the rival Field Poll) scoffed at" in the run-up to the recall of Mr. Davis and the election of Arnold Schwarzenegger as governor.


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