Outrage of the Week
Partisan media uses lies and distorts commission's report to try to make president look bad. Ignoring the truth and distorting what the staff report said, the media was salivating over the chance to attack the president once again. Tne report never said there were no links between Iraq and Al Qaeda. They said there was no "credible evidence" Iraq wa involved with the 9/11 attacks. The media twisted this for their partisan agenda and then even refused to report when the chairmen refuted what the media reported. Kevin
"Panel Finds No Qaeda-Iraq Tie" went the Times headline. "Al Qaeda-Hussein Link Is Dismissed" front-paged The Washington Post. The A.P. led with the thrilling words "Bluntly contradicting the Bush Administration, the commission. . . ." This understandably caused my editorial-page colleagues to draw the conclusion that "there was never any evidence of a link between Iraq and Al Qaeda. . . ."
What a bunch of crap...below are several links documenting ties between Iraq and al qaeda.
Hey there,
I'm a registered Independent but I have to agree with you on many of your blog entries. What I wish is that American's would start thinking more for themselves and not believe everything that the liberal media spouts. Many years ago I authored a paper titled: Media: Watchdog or Lapdog. Enjoyed your blog!
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