Classless Kerry
In typical fashion, Kerry and the Ds showed themselves to be classless and disregarded tradition. When The Ds had their convention, Bush went to his ranch in TX and wasn't heard from all week. He pulled all his advertising and the RNC wasn't even on the air withads yet. Contrast that to this week. Kerry spoke at a rally in TN Tuesday night. He spoke to the American Legion Wednesday. Edwards was on ABC, CBS, NBS, CNN and MSNBC on Thursday and Kerry and Edwards were giving a hate filled speech before the confetti stopped dropping in MSG. Cheney gave no national interviews during the D convention and neither did Bush. The DNC and all their 527 groups came out with new ad blitzs this week again in contrast to the Rs pulling all ads. Once again, the Ds showed they have no class or regard for tradition. No opponent has even spoken on the same night as his opponent's acceptance speech ! Shame on Kerry for being such a petty, classless man.
Kerry's big speech accused, again, Bush and Cheney of attacking his service and patriotism. BIG LIE. Bush and Cheney and nobody on the campaign has ever said anything but positive things about his service in Vietnam. Meanwhile, Kerry and the Ds repeatadly decry attacks against Kerry's service that never happened and then attack Bush and Cheney for "not serving". What a crock of #$%^. These guys are unbelievable and the media continues to let them get away with it. Below is a history of Kerry questioning Bush's service during Vietnam. He is the only one in the race that has questioned the other's service !!!!! (this does not include the attacks from last night) The R convention attacked Kerry's senate record and he comes back by attacking Bush and Cheney over Vietnam. He has made his whole campaign on his 4 months over there. That is his reply to everything...he can't defend his senate record so he attacks his opponents over Vietnam. Kevin
Kerry Personally, Repeatedly Questioned Bush's Guard Service
President Bush has never questioned John Kerry's Vietnam War service - saying instead on multiple occasions that it was noble and something the Democratic nominee should be proud of.
Sen. Kerry, on the other hand, has repeatedly - in person, during on-the-record interviews - charged that Bush conducted himself dishonorably during the Vietnam War. The distinction is an important one, since Kerry - now in full damage control mode over charges he fabricated parts of his war record - continues to maintain that the White House is behind the criticism and is demanding that Bush personally call off the dogs.
But if any apologies are in order they should start with Kerry, who has tried to smear Bush in a way that neither Bush, nor anyone else associated with the Bush Cheney campaign, has dared to even try.
Here's Kerry during an April 26, 2004 appearance on ABC's "Good Morning America" complaining about a report questioning which medals he threw away during a 1971 anti-war demonstration:
"This comes from a president and a Republican party that can't even answer whether or not he showed up for duty in the National Guard. I'm not going to stand for it," the top Democrat told GMA's Charlie Gibson.
In case anybody missed his Bush smear, Kerry repeated it two more times during the same interview:
"The Republicans are running $10 million this week to attack my credentials on defense. This comes from a president who can't even show or prove that he showed up for duty in the National Guard. . . ."
Here's Kerry's third attempt to slime Bush's Guard service in less than ten minutes:
"George Bush has yet to explain to America whether or not, and tell the truth, about whether he showed up for duty. I'm not going to get attacked on something that I did, that is a matter of record, that the press saw, that I did in front of the entire nation, and everyone then understood."
And it's not as if Kerry was having a bad day and simply flew off the handle without thinking. Instead, Kerry's April 26 attack on Bush's Guard service echoed similar smears by the candidate only weeks earlier.
Here's Kerry on Feb. 8, arguing that the fact that Bush received an honorable discharge doesn't get him off the hook on suspicions he was a no-show during his time with the Guard:
"The issue here, as I have heard it raised, is was he present and active on duty in Alabama at the times he was supposed to be," Kerry declared. "Just because you get an honorable discharge does not in fact answer that question."
Five days earlier during an appearance on Fox News Channel's "Hannity & Colmes," Kerry compared Bush's Guard service to those who fled to Canada during the Vietnam War.
"There is a question that's been raised about whether -- about what [Bush's] service was. And I don't know the answers to those questions," he told Sean Hannity.
"I've never made any judgments about any choice somebody made about avoiding the draft, about going to Canada, going to jail, being a conscientious objector [or] going into the National Guard. Those are choices people make."
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